New record for Book of Norman ?


Gold forum user
That reminds me of something that happened a little over a year ago... I often cruise places like Craigslist looking for things like Tiger parts, AMC tail housings etc. and I came across an ad... I think it was in Arizona... about May of 2008 ... It read 'Sunbeam Tiger parts ... e-mail Mario for list .' For some reason I didn't ... and about a month later I was looking and the ad was still there... so I e-mailed. The list that I got back was 2 pages long with prices and what really stood out was... Book of Norman $35 !! Of course I e-mailed back immediately with a list of what I wanted !! The seller said... " I sold my Tiger last November and ran this ad and had NO response I waited 'til now and ran it again ... I finally got a response from a guy in California last week and he bought the 'Book' , sunvisors and a couple other items." I asked him why only $35 for the 'Book' and he said... "well, I only paid $40 for's used...and I only have Volume 1 ." I explained that there IS only 1 volume at this point and hated to rub it in but there happened to be one on e-Pay at the time so I sent him the link...!!
I did end up buying some nice parts from him but I doubt that I'll come across another 'Book' for less than face value... lol!!!



Gold forum user
Less than $35 1997

Back in late '97 when I learned that a certain metallic blue Tiger was going up for sale; I called Bob, the late Bob Norton who had been Editing Tiger Tales, and agreed to pay his asking price. I have never regretted the purchase and as an unforeseen bonus he delivered the car loaded with his collection of Tiger books and magazines including a Book of Norman. Priceless!

Comes in handy when people call me and ask questions I have not a clue about. I often refer to the Book for an answer.



Gold forum user
I had the op to purchase a copy when first published but passed thinking I could buy at a later time. And maybe 10-12 years back around Xmas a lot of the misprint copies were going on eBay for around a third of what was mentioned below.

I certainly dought whatever info the book contains is worth the amount stated in this thread. Some of its content can be found in other books and on the web and some info is probably outdated. The inflated selling price is due to it novelty and rarity not content I'm sure.

I've forgotten now just what all info was provided in the book. Anybody care to take a few minutes and list a few items to help refresh my memory?

TIA, Justin