
Gold forum user
I will keep em' comin'. Went yesterday.........L.A traffic.........just kill me.

More Please

For the curious. I am sure someone will post better pix with their high dollar camera. I suspect this is o.k for now.

Just a little more on the event. I talked to some great folks yesterday.
Mr. John Morton was on hand in the crowd of viewers. As for other important people, I'm sure there were more but I was always a car guy and never paid much attention to folks. But Mr. Morton's time with BRE and the wonderful Datsuns was hard to ignore.

There were sooooo many nice cars............how could one choose a favorite? But......if I could buy just one, it would be a non-assuming lite blue Tiger with hub caps.

I waited and waited for the owner to come back to his/her car. I tried a few combat moves from my Army days. Like lurking from behind a tree or a bush.
Alas..........my moves were moot.

So, if you, Mr./Ms. Owner of a baby blue Tiger, happen to read this ...........(it was not in the show but sitting across from the guys under a tent like structure in the parking lot) I would like to talk to you about your car. A private message is fine.
Hey Mike

A HUGE thanks for all the pics...!!

Seeing Dale A's car has me wondering who might have won the 'mod' class this year... Last year I helped judge the engine comp./chassis portion and his car was the only one that got full points... oddly enough, even the 'mod' rules give points for having a spare ( his 'trick trunk' obviously doesn't have one ) and he ended up losing points on that and barely finished second.

Some REALLY nice cars there which is one of the reasons that I had originally planned to attend... there will many cars there that don't venture too far north so are never seen in these parts...
LOL, I thought there were a lot of images of baby blue in there. Now I know why.

Thanks for the posts. Nice job and fine pics.

How often does this event occur? I had such a nice time I can't wait for another.
TU Queen Mary

This was a very well run and friendly event, thanks to all that planned it and ran it.
Here are a couple of shots I took, (first time uploading pictures, wish me luck). The second picture with the 20 tigers lined up was taken at Ruby's Diner in Redondo Beach.
Gary Crandall organized a drive around Palos Verdes to Redondo on Friday afternoon and it was a lot of fun.
Bob J.
Another Happy Camper

Big thanks to The Rathburns, Trippels and all who were involved in the crafting and follow through of this Tigers United. The Queen Mary was absolutely great from checkin through the banquet.

Bruce Whalen drove his Tiger all the way from Richmond B. C. Angela Dandy of STOC attended from the UK and many others joined the party.

Bonnie and I drove our Tigers (less than an hour) and had a great time.

Below are some of my pictures.

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Another Happy Camper More Pix

These from the Rally through the Banquet.

Caliber Collision was the Ken Miles Shop where Tiger prototype one got it's V8. Sue Kessler and her Get Smart replica Sunbeam and Don Adams met us outside the studios where they made the TV show.

Baby Blue

Baby Blue has been in the family for 37 years and was the coolest running Tiger at the Queen with my new EWP. It's just a driver these days and my goal is to attend great events like XXXIII and not break down. I had a great time and wanted to stay low key and just enjoy all the cars at the Queen.
We had a great time at the Queen and a big thank you to all the CAT folks, the Rathburns and Trippels who did all the work. It was very well organized and a great location - the banquet was spectacular in the art deco room on the ship and hospitality was outstanding.

Bill and Carol Rogers
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TU Results

180 people registered for the event with 75 cars participating

Event winners were:
1st place -- Neal Wichard
2nd place -- Travis Compton
3rd place -- Bob Josten

1st place -- Charles & Andrea McKee
2nd place -- Ed & Karen Foster
3rd place -- Bill & Carolyn Atalla

1st place -- Dale Akuszewski
2nd place -- Beau Ulrich
3rd place -- Thomas Griffith, BobRichardson, Eric Joyner

1st place -- Steve & Jane Alcala
2nd place -- JW Cheatham

Men's Stock
1st place -- Terry Taylor
2nd place -- Tim Wilgoose
3rd place -- Bill Rogers

Men's Personalized
1st place -- Stan Clark
2nd place -- Paul Paretti
3rd place -- Serf Garcia

Men's Modified
1st place -- John McGaffey
2nd place -- Beau Ulrich
3rd place -- Gary Crandall

Men's Alpine
1st place -- Bob Josten
2nd place -- Steve Alcala
3rd place -- JW Cheatham

Other Makes
1st place -- Keith Rowe (Lotus 7)

Women's Stock
1st place -- Natalie Taylor
2nd place -- Maria Taylor

Women's Personalized
1st place -- Claudia Trippel
2nd place -- Karen Rathburn
3rd place -- Cindy Paretti

Women's Modified
1st place -- Toshi Kemkes
2nd place -- Nancy Alexander
3rd place -- Kim Ulrich

Women's Alpine
1st place -- Jane Alcala

1st place -- Jere & Jackie Teepen
2nd place -- JW & Kathy Cheatham
3rd place -- Sue & Phil Cohen

1st place -- Terry Taylor
2nd place -- Peter Phelps
3rd place -- Tom Hall

Favorite Tiger -- Paul & Cindy Paretti

Howie Schoenfeld -- Neal Wichard

Lord Rootes -- Mike Michels
Stunning Folks

Thanks for the reports and photos.. Wow the black tiger with red inside and Webers or modern injection... whoes is that and wow what a job thay did.. Did you guys notice how his cloth top fit? Who did the top install?
Thanks again.