Caliper pistons


Gold forum user
The behavior, in my opinion, will be quite similar to other flash coatings and also those composite resin pistons. They will, at some point, bind and drag or jam. There is no substitute for 316 stainless. Just sayin' . . .2 cents

While I would like to know more about the nitriding process and the substrate material, I disagree with your blanket dismissal of the technology

While I have not used these pistons, I have used nitrided parts. There are many applications but take a look at high tech motorbike stanchions or piston rings, and think how quickly they cycle, and how stiction is a primary design consideration.

Given the black colour it would appear to be nitriocarbourising rather than titanium nitride coating, or a sintered nitride process.

Heat transfer via the piston to the fluid is a consideration. Give me ti pistons and ti nitride coating over 316 any day, however it will not be cheap.

My 2 cents (Canadian) worth