CAT Alternator Bracket


Bronze forum user
I noticed an alternator bracket on the parts list (e20) but no picture. Does anyone have any experience with this set up? What alternators can be used with it? Anybody have a pic? Thanks.
I have a Mark 1a upper generator bracket (modified by Meaco, visually can not tell the modification) with a Denso alternator . Works great if originality is less important to you than function. If you made a donation to CAT Parts, Bill Graf for 50.00 plus shipping ([prob25 bucks) I'd send it to you "free".. Worked flawlessly on my Mark1a, just couldn't get over the made in japan thing. Not trying to sell it.
I have the CAT mount. I use it with the one wire chrome Ford Alternator from Summit.

The frame on this alternator is identical to the stock alternator on my 66 Mustang.

The kit is a couple of curved flat plates and tubular spacers and bolts.
The alt. hangs from the top plate and the lower plate has a slot so you can tension the belt. It is not real attractive but it is functional.
MK II Alt Bracket

I noticed an alternator bracket on the parts list (e20) but no picture. Does anyone have any experience with this set up? What alternators can be used with it? Anybody have a pic? Thanks.

Here is a photo of the repro MK II bracket we made a few of in steel. It easily fits most Ford frame alternators and the like. . .
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Here is an exact copy of the MKII Alternator Bracket available @ Rootes Group Depot.....$500 comes with wiring directions and ready to install.
PowerGen Alternator Conversion

Here are a couple iPhone shots of the conversion I did to B382001465, I got tired of the whole generator maintenance ordeal and put in a PowerMaster PowerGen. It looks just like a Ford generator but is a modern 90 amp alternator. Since it is slightly larger in diameter it takes some messaging but it is worth the effort. I chose the option of having an ignition light, although they also make a one-wire version.
Very nice

Hollywood Generator set ups. Mr Doctorbugz please share the cost of the altergenator. I too like the original look and can't see 500 bucks for a cast aluminium MK2 knock off. Buck and others have a really cute little alternator.
I guess the problem is what corner to paint one's car into, Stock, Personalized or Modified.
PowerGen Alternator Conversion

Here's the link, I used the 82101-2, this is the version that MUST have the ignition light circuit wired in. The alternator looks just like the OEM generator, weighs about half of the of generator and can safely be spun to 20K rpm.
Priced at Summit:

The Tiger pulley drops right on, and the belt alignment is close but some shimming may be needed on the upper swing mount depending on tolerances. Swing clearance depends on your engine mounts and the generator "dent" in the fender. I used the stock length 15495 belt.

You will need to decide what to do with the original wiring, I gutted an old regulator and used that as a terminal point, ran #8 leads to the solenoid and to ground, then an extra engine-to-chassis ground. My rule is to do nothing that cannot be undone.

It's nice to have 14.5 volts at idle.

will the CAT alt bracket

Will the CAT alternator bracket work with both the Ford 1G and the smaller 3G
Alternator bracket

I just installed the Paul Reisentz aluminum alternator bracket(today), it's a nice fit and easy installation with the standard ford alternator. I had the pleasure of visiting with Paul at his home, he's doing some beautiful restoration work on Tigers from around the States and has a wealth of knowledge pertaining to these cars.