Trunk Spring Installation Tip


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CAT Member
I remove and install the trunk springs by removing the prop bracket from the deck lid because it lets you get the spring in the most relaxed position. This one was fighting me going back in, even using this method. I remembered a tip I had read on installing hood hinge springs. I put the spring in a vice and by flexing it sideways, slipped a bunch of pennies between the coils elongating the spring. You can add as many as you need. They easily stay in place because of the spring tension. Now the temporarily stretched spring is much easier to hook into place. I used the prop lever to stretch it a bit and pull the pennies out. Washers would work too.

slipped a bunch of pennies between the coils elongating the spring. You can add as many as you need. They easily stay in place because of the spring tension. Now the temporarily stretched spring is much easier to hook into place. I used the prop lever to stretch it a bit and pull the pennies out.
I'm getting this mental image of a slot machine paying out when at the end of you close the boot with the pennies still in place...with them firing out of the spring...šŸ˜‚
I don't remember exactly how I did it but remember it was almost impossible as a one person with the trunk hinges attached to the lid so I took some long screws and had the hinges about an inch or so from their tightened position .
then attach the springs and then with a nut on the longer screws you can sinch the hinge to the trunk lid then attach with the short original screw for the other screw location. then take out the long screw and replace with the original length
easy as pie
disconnect the trunk stays from the trunk lid. the stay can then be rotated and the spring end will fall right off the hook where it attaches. refitting is, as the manual states, the reverse of the removal easy as pie...