UPDATE! January 18th, 2025 10 a.m. CAT meeting at the Los Angeles County Fire Museum, Bellflower, CA

Added to Calendar: 01-18-25

Dan MacMedan

Gold forum user
CAT Member
Hello all!

It’s always a challenge looking into new and fun venues to host our club meetings. Normally we try to keep the theme close to our performance sports car roots. I decided to venture slightly away from that with our January meeting, which I hope you will all enjoy. Through the help of CAT member and retired LA County Fire Captain Bruce Davis, we are meeting January 18th at 10 am at the Los Angeles County Fire Museum located at 16400 Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower, CA 90706.

For those of you, like me, who grew up watching 70’s television when there were only three networks, who can forget Emergency the TV show? Well among many other interesting items, the museum currently is the home of the famous Squad 51 and Engine 51 vehicles. In addition, the museum has 60 antique fire engines in its collection, including fire engines from the 1860s through just-retired apparatus.

There’s a conference room area we can have our meeting, and according to Bruce, if there’s people working on the restorations at the shop a block and a half away, we might be able to get a quick tour of their facility and all the BIG vehicles they are restoring. It’s not open to the public, but maybe we can ask.

There’s on site parking, first come first served, but please no leaking cars on their concrete. There’s also a parking garage across the street. It’s only $5 to get in and I’m sure everyone will get a kick out of some great LA History.

Hope to see you all there!

Dan MacMedan
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Jan 18th CAT Meeting Update LA County Fire Museum

Hello So Cal CAT Members,
As everyone knows this past week has seen some of the most extraordinary events happen in the Los Angeles area history. I can only hope that our members have been able to escape the devastation and if not you have our sincere wishes that everyone in your family or friends are at least safe.

I have wrestled with going forward or cancelling our meeting this coming Saturday as I didn’t know if the museum would be staffed with all the fires still going on, but our LA County FD liaison CAT Member Bruce Davis has assured me that then museum is staffed 100% by LACOFD retirees and will be open and we would be welcome.

That said, I also feel that the timing would actually be apropos and being able to tour the facility and ask questions would be able to give us an in depth appreciation of what’s been going on this past week. Perhaps we can also ask if the now very famous LA County Fire Bulldozer #5 might be enshrined there when its service life is completed!

To that end, the CAT club will pick up the entrance donation to all CAT members that attend. Non-members are asked to make the $5 donation to this worthy cause.

There’s a conference room area we can have our meeting, and according to Bruce, if there’s people working on the restorations at the shop a block and a half away, we might be able to get a quick tour of their facility and all the BIG vehicles they are restoring. It’s not open to the public, but maybe we can ask.

January 18th at 10 am at the Los Angeles County Fire Museum located at 16400 Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower, CA 90706.
There’s on site parking, first come first served, but please no leaking cars on their concrete. There’s also a parking garage across the street.


I really hope to see as many of our CAT members there,

Dan MacMedan
CAT President