Well, the first question would be, "what's wrong with a stock harness"? I've been restoring Brit cars for over 40 years. I always fit new wiring harnesses to the cars I restore and these are supplied by Autosparks in the UK. These come correctly configured with the proper wiring colors and are set up for the original electrical components used (gauges, generator etc.
The Ron Francis harness will not work with your stock tachometer and you will have to make a provision for the voltage stabilizer for the fuel and temp gauges. It may not have a provision for the pressure switch for the brake lights. I may also not work with the 2 speed wiper system or the 2 speed fan.
It's a myth that there is something wrong with "Lucas" electrical systems. 9 times out of 10 it's a ground issue, a corroded snap connector or that someone else has gotten in before you and "improved things".
Yes, there are only 2 fuses in the system... the same as Healeys and MG's and most Triumphs too... If you want to add additional fuses it's not all that difficult.
Most of the wiring problems I see are due to confusion over polarity as most English cars prior to 1967 are positive ground. This isn't the case with Tigers.
If this is due to wanting to install an alternator they can be easily incorporated into a Mk1/MK1a harness without cutting or adding wires VERY easily.