Difference Rootes Archive Heritage Certificate versus Coventry Transport Museum Heritage Certificate?


Bronze forum user
CAT Member
I have a couple Tigers and have thought about gaining more history and information on my cars. What is the difference between the Rootes Archive Heritage Certificate and the Coventry Transport Museum Heritage Certificates? The Coventry Transport Museum is telling me they hold the Tiger records, but clearly those that own a Tiger have received Rootes Archive Heritage Certificates on their car.

Thanks in advance.


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Does the Archive have records showing when the Tiger body was built by Pressed Steel prior to going to Jensen and the Jensen ledger shows when the Tiger conversion was finished?
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Austin Healer

Gold forum user
Does the Archive have records showing when the Tiger body was built by Pressed Steel prior to going to Jenson and the Jenson ledger shows when the Tiger conversion was finished?
that would be Jensen.... NOT Jenson

at the beach

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CAT Member
Graham Vickery has been able to correlate at least some of the early Tigers with the car's build date at Pressed Steel and the date that Jensen finished their modifications as listed in the Jensen Ledgers.
He would be the source with the most current information.

Also, he would be best able to answer the original poster's question about the differences between the Museum and Archive certificates. I have not been over there since before the pandemic so I'm really out of touch with current developments. However, back then, I believe, and I certainly may be wrong, that the Museum would issuse a certificate to anyone while the Archive did a little bit of research in hopes of not issuing certificates to cars that were an obvious rebody. Certainly neither is a replacement for a TAC Certificate.

Like the certificates that Norm used to issue, all have been abused at some point by owners suggesting they were TACs. Norm and the Archive at least attempted to "vette" so currently I'd probably prefer to see a certificate from the Archive than the Museum. (but this is based on information many years old. Hopefully we can get Graham to join in.)



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CAT Member
This photo is for those that have not seen a Heritage Certificate from the Rootes Archive. It shows the known info such as build date, registration number assigned when the car was finished, engine , HRO or
export, etc.


Gold forum user
I sent an email (archives@culturecoventry.com) just last month asking about what they had available. Here's their response, and price, about $70. I haven't followed up on it yet, but probably will soon.

"Anyway, with regards to your actual enquiry - we can totally help. We have the original Sunbeam Tiger production ledgers here, so I can produce a letter, certificate, and copies from the original ledger for £60 (including postage). I will also need your full name and address.



Gold forum user
CAT Member
I sent an email (archives@culturecoventry.com) just last month asking about what they had available. Here's their response, and price, about $70. I haven't followed up on it yet, but probably will soon.

"Anyway, with regards to your actual enquiry - we can totally help. We have the original Sunbeam Tiger production ledgers here, so I can produce a letter, certificate, and copies from the original ledger for £60 (including postage). I will also need your full name and address.

I ordered my six certificates that I have for my cars at different times and they averaged out at $75.00 each due to the currency exchange. I still have three left to order.


Silver forum user
Jensen's factory floor ledger books are held at The Herbert Museum in Coventry. They were moved there over 10 years ago from the Coventry Museum of Motor Transport (it has the Rootes cars, and The Herbert has some Rootes papers).
The Rootes Archive Centre Trust in Banbury, England in conjunction with the British Sunbeam Tiger Club has a faithful copy, now also in a digital format.

The Herbert letter is styled "Certificate of Vehicle Authenticity' and this has at times been abused in Tiger sales particulars. The Herbert museum operates on a shoe string, is slow to change and sadly cannot afford scruples.
In my view the Rootes Archive Centre Trust provides a more informative certificate, and by making checks avoids onward misuse. Fees received by the RACT directly support the preservation of Rootes Motors heritage. As a retired Trustee, I would of course recommend Tiger owners make the RACT their first choice for a heritage certificate.

Regarding 'Rootes Assembly Orders' to Jensen Motors. Each individual order was numbered - hence the 'ROTA'# in the factory ledger. They were connected to a specific partially trimmed and painted body shell upon their arrival from Pressed Steel co.
On being hauled onto the Jensen assembly track the ROTA order was placed behind the windscreen and the ROTA number chalked on the windscreen. In an exampled case of MK1A - B382002110 LRX the ROTA docket was dated 8th May 1966 and it has a Jensen Date of 18th May 1966. It hasn't been possible to find out what day the machine entered the track. Since fettling was often necessary, the Jensen date was most probably the final day day before despatch to Ryton, Coventry for pre-delivery inspection etc.

There are no known records of Rootes build orders to Pressed Steel Co, so it isn't possible to accurately date when they were put together at Cowley. What can be noted is the Jensen date range of each JAL series.
This is merely a 'broad brush' guide.

JAL series + dates.jpg