More Restoration Videos - in time lapse


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CAT Member
I don't weld or do body your methodology pretty standard? Looks tedious...


Bronze forum user
Yes it is tedious, but I am not just slapping a piece of sheet metal on to cover up a hole. I want the area to look like it was part of the original metal, or at least difficult to tell that it was a patch. Luckily these areas are covered or not immediately visible, but I still want it to look good and be strong.

This took ~ 9 hours or 3 hours over three different days. This is my car and this is what I do for fun.... sometime I questions the fun part. I'm getting better, but not speedy. Weld on, grind off, repeat until happy.

I watched an episode of the new Wheeler Dealers awhile back and the mechanic guy quickly mentions spending 11 hours making the patch for a SAAB windshield corner, and I think that was just making the patch. Most of those shows just do a bit of hand waving when they talk about sheet metal work.


Gold forum user
Keep it up

After getting a 115 dollar an hour quote to fill holes, I think I'll be looking for a MIG rig. Please pan across your rig next time and tell us what you think. I'd rather hear your words than the music. I used to do all my repairs and ones at the family shop with one. Lucky that spark from the welders torch never followed me.

I have a little area right under the brake and clutch master that needs attention. Not a place one would normally look for rust but slop some brake fluid on there repeatedly, *&^% P.O. and the paint goes away and crud collects and it becomes a problem.


Bronze forum user
I just did another video of that specific area under the master cylinders.
My guess is you could do a quick job to this area to protect it a little better, but to really get in there and clean it up everything around it has to be removed. It is hidden pretty well so any paint differences would be difficult to see.

Luckily that area of my car is in pretty good shape and did not need any rust repair accept a couple of little spots in the floor. I will do a video showing that rust repair and my welder set up.

I still need to do lots more under coating removal. Its dirty work, but somewhat rewarding seeing the clean metal that is revealed.


Bronze forum user
CAT Member
I found that a heat gun works well with a putty knife to scrape off undercoating, just don't sit and bake to long. then come back later with chemical gloves, red scotchbrite and acetone.