I have a set of CAT headers from the 80's that now need replacement. Are these dimensionally the same as that iteration? I am hoping they will fit up to my exhaust system that was designed around the units I have.
The Prototype set of headers has been reassembled and fixture revisions are in process.
One part of the fixture needing work is the location of the collector output.
Yet again, we are rethinking the world of collector flanges.
There are several options we can pursue.
1) use the same 3 bolt flange welded on.
2) Do NOT weld the flange to the collector, but provide it loose.
3) Do not provide a flange, (use slip fit pipe or other flange, band or ball).
4) change to band type flange (cost increase).
5) change to ball type flange/connection.
Also, in the past, the collector flanges were at a bit of an angle (latest fixture).
basically, they where close to vertical, that is to say not quite perpendicular to the collector output.
We are contemplating putting them perpendicular to the collector.
We are looking for input, desires, wishes.
Speak up !
Thanks for the efforts.One of the Big concerns of installing tube headers
is FIT. Or more to the point, DO they Fit?
WE at CAT parts take that as serious as we can.
Here is a picture of the Quality Control effort
going on for the last batch (2019).
Here we have Bill Graf, Gary Hanks and Jere Teepen
inspecting headers in the fixtures.
In the foreground is a FAILED/BAD header.
We later tested the BAD header on a Tiger,
It went on but had ZERO clearance.
That QC effort made it clear the Fixtures
were NOT adequate, as they were, to make consistent headers.
Work started to improve the fixtures.
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