Will this be a motor/trans in car bolt on mount up afternoon project?
It sounds like this is a good wheel hop correction add on.
It seems from the thread that this product can be used in place of or in addition to the Traction Masters.
My use would be without the Traction Masters, as I do not care for the weld or bolt on or the looks of them.
Lightly modified car wanting to go around corners and enjoy a little wheel spin now and then, with less wheel hop. Tigers should pounce not bunny hop.
My car needs to have a motor out freshening leak fixing add headers and exhaust, but I was hoping to wait till after Tigers Utd. I am not one of those guys who says I can like the old "Name that Tune TV show" I can drop that motor in 7 hours. A more likely time frame would be a motor R & R in 7 days.
But I have changed and R&R VW motors and clutches in parking lots in the old VW bus and every other Rube Goldberg repair on the side of the road back in the miss spent youth days.